Market Sense Classroom

Market Sense Classroom
Ongoing Results From Our Students Below!

Friday, September 8

"Hey Guys! So I think I mentioned to you once or twice that one call closes are like not a ‘thing’ in my industry. Well, they are but they are extremely rare.

Today I had my first meeting where going through the entire Sandler submarine was needed and guess what – we got a verbal, pending legal signature.
Huge Win!

If I had to name two things that I think really sealed the deal – my upfront contract…and *requesting* a yes or no…not a MAYBE…which they were totally cool with. Listening to what they really wanted to see, and tackling that first not going through the deck that my resource prepared…that was key key key!

Also, at the end after I got a yes, pending legal – I asked them how they planned on telling the current vendor…and used a third party story to demonstrate how I can help them with it if they feel like they need to. It didn’t seem like it was a big deal to them, so I made it a non-issue!

The icing on the cake is that my resource, who does these all day – that’s been his job for two years gave me rave reviews and told me he put me on speaker phone so his peers can listen to me crush the meeting. We all know the icing is the best part of the cake." - Jacci R.